Home Stock A Rare Small Charles I Oak Table Box

A Rare Small Charles I Oak Table Box

Having a thick boarded top, with a wide run-moulding along the front edge, and chip carved sides, opening on good original iron strap hinges with penny ends – a feature which is repeated on the iron hasp.

The front panel is quite outstanding, having a beautifully shaped lock plate above owner’s initials ‘T W’, and a double rose, or gilly flower. To each side of the centre are two flower heads, again gilly flowers or roses, supported on stalks flanked by daisy-like flowers, and well-shaped leaves wrapped around the floral design.

This type of carving is associated with north Cheshire/south Lancashire, and can be seen both on side and wainscot armchairs, both in the back panels and crest rails.

Excellent colour, surface and condition.

North Cheshire circa 1635.

Note: The method of construction is quite unusual, although not unique. The side panels of the box are nailed front and back, top and bottom, whilst the centre third of the vertical edge is a large dovetail, adding maximum strength to the construction. The bottom board is finished with an ovolo moulding along the front edge.

Length 18.25 inches, height 9 inches, depth 11.5 inches.

Ref 2793


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Early Oak at Harringworth Manor
The Manor House
Seaton Road
NN17 3AF